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ONU Live




ONU Live is a classic card multiplayer game that offers endless entertainment for players of all ages.

ONU Live comes with a twist. In this strategy card game, the goal is to be the first player to empty their hand of cards before the countdown timer reaches zero. Match your card with the top card of the pile by either color, number, or symbol. But watch out for special action cards like Skip, Reverse, Draw Two, Wild card, and Draw Four which can turn the tide of the game in an instant! You get 15 seconds for your turn.

Check out the β€˜Rules’ section if you are not aware of the gameplay of ONU game.

What’s the twist then? There are two ways to win this ONU game. Either you finish your cards before the time limit i.e. five minutes or score the lowest to win. The fewer the points, the higher the rank! But how do you calculate your score?

Each card in all the color categories has a score of its face value. You will get a score on the total of the face value of the remaining cards. If your score count is less than your competitor, you will win the game. Hence, ensure that you discard higher point cards first. If you are done with your cards before the time, your score will be zero as there are no remaining cards at hand and you will be at the highest rank. Conversely, if any player leaves the game in the middle, he/she will be scored the highest i.e. 2000 points and the lowest rank.

Check out the score value of the different cards:

  • Number Cards
  • Score value is equal to the number value of cards.
  • 0 Card – Since 0 has no value, you get an additional chance to play.
  • Skip, Reverse Cards – Score value is equal to 10.
  • Draw 2 Card – Score value is equal to 15.
  • Wild Card – Score value is equal to 20.
  • Draw 4 Card – Score value is equal to 25.

There are 3 modes of play – 2 Players, 3 Players, and 4 Players. Select whichever you would like to play and strategize to win this endless fun card game.

So grab your cards, choose your strategy, and play ONU Live.


ONU Live has been developed by Freak X Games.


The game is suitable for playing from 7 years of age.

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