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- multiplayer games
- Undo

Sci-fi world is a cruel one... You won't find a love here, nor peace... Only cruelty and never-ending fights. At least, you can please your killer instincts. You are a soldier on a deadly mission. Be yourself! You can even customize your soldier. Weapon choice is up to you, as well as its appearance. This way you can differ from your opponents and get final and most important advantage over them! You know, it is still the same... kill, or get killed... so grab your gear, and move! You will see blood, you will see dead people, but your own survival is the priority number one. Dash over the battlefield, kill your enemies and earn the most points of your team. By the way, you can call your friends and battle together on the same map! Then you can talk about it in real life and argue who is the best player of all of you! Keep your good relationship up, though! Anyway... Have fun.
Undo has been developed by Ciorbyn.
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